Get your Feed listed within hours at Yahoo in 5 simple steps

Posted by Alan | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 14:22

Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul

Let us be honest. There are three types of people in the world. * Yahoos * Googlers * people are neither or both. I have been lurking in forums, and I realized something-they seem to be very Ranger than me. But then, almost all. I have been a Google gal for some time. There I said it.. and why not? Google has been good to me. Yahoo has finally convinced me that they are at a minimum, the top bid for the title of heavyweight search engine champion of the world. I now take them very seriously for many reasons. (I don't want to bore you with all of them here-but if you would like to be bored, see ongoing updates-: if you are new to RSS and don't get how it can help your marketing, join our discussion-

What really has the potential to make me into a type 2 or 3 is attention Yahoo pays to RSS. Like all I heard big message back in February of this year that Yahoo was to develop an RSS folder and had re-launched their Beta RSS headlines module of the "My Yahoo!". Still, I took my time hopping on the "marketing via RSS" bandwagon, even though I've had feeds on most of my sites since the end of 2002. When I finally began to use my feeds during some research, I ran across Yahoo's "add to my Yahoo!" button on many sites that also carry the orange "xml" insignia, and I must say, it shocks me how easy it seems to be to get Yahoo attention to your feed. Remote control functionality Yahoo tell them that they produce an RSS folder on this page:

The page goes to tell you to get your feed included is as simple as adding your feed to "My Yahoo" page. You can think, as I was, that this cannot be the same Yahoo we are talking about. If a search engine many secretly hoped would not be in the off chance that we could go back to Google on Yahoo days? (Don't look at me. I am not that much of a Google gal.) But yes, the same Yahoo Whose directory many found so difficult to get into the days of yore, displays your feed in their directory almost immediately.

Promote my study in blowing dust from my own Yahoo page, unused since 2003, scrolled to the bottom, and click the button "Select content". They will not try to hide it. In five steps, taking me less than a minute, my link was added. Under the first section of the settings for "My Front page" under "My Yahoo! Essentials", "RSS headlines (BETA) new!". I chose to (step one), and on the next page, all I had to do was type in my news feed, (step two) click Search (step four), and then when the page path settings, click the button "Finish" (step 5). I logged into my site control panel and checked the logs that shows my most recent visitors. I saw the line "yahoofeedseeker/1.0", not just at my feed, but it points to, almost immediately the links.

A few hours later, I went to search the folder for feeds similar to mine. A search for "traffic secret" popped my site up-now is the rapid admission. I noticed the next day, each time I updated part of my site that has the diet doubles the number of visitors to the page. So it looks like if you are not in a crowded niche, now is a great time to add your feed-there were about 48 results for "internet marketing", but only 7 for "sunglasses". Once you have sent, don't forget to stick one of the buttons "add to my Yahoo!" on a visible place on your web property.

The following link will take you directly to the instructions that appear on Yahoo: if you're as lazy as I am, get Yahoo do the work for you- Want to search Yahoos RSS folder for your Web site or other? Just go to "My Yahoo!" page, find where you added the RSS headlines block and click "Edit", usually in the upper-right corner of the block of content. That will take you to a new page.

Now, where you would normally type a URL, enter your keywords, or if you know a site has a feed, but don't know the address, the type of the page home. Advanced users can also click the Import feature to import feeds through their.OPML-file. You can view up to 50 feeds per page, but there does not seem to be a limit on how many feeds, you can include in Yahoo. When opens a Browse-able version of Yahoos RSS Directory, and how much more traffic you can expect when it does not? I have not heard any speculation on when the beta period will be up, but I would be willing to be it will be soon. My proposal?

Add your link now, while Yahoo appears to take all.

About the author:
Tinu? Unfortunately hit a wacko with "free traffic" mentality. Refuses treatment save-and-$ from the Visit:


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